To the Games and Back Again... The Tale of Khan and Harriet-Episode 206
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Khan Porter has become a household name among CrossFit fans. He has been to the Games 4 times as an individual and once on a team. Joining him on this podcast is one of his teammates from last year, relative newcomer; Harriet Roberts. Harriet is now joining Porter as an individual Games Athlete as both of them won their spot while competing in China this past weekend.
Ben and Blair sit down with one of the top fighters in the world. He talks about team dynamics, training, and his future plans to win a UFC title. Lance Palmer is our guest.
Ben and Blair catch up with all three hosts of the Mind Pump Podcast while hanging out in Squaw Valley CA. These three guys know a ton about the fitness industry and give us insight and background into their show and how they made it big!
episode brought to you by our usual and
Lift Heavy Often... As in everyday! Elijah "EZ" Muhammad explains-Episode 94
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EZ joins Ben and Blair at Wodapalooza in Miami atop the DJ booth. He talks about running seminars, training and what would make his wife divorce him immediately.
Dave Castro sits down with Ben and Blair at CrossFit HQ near Santa Cruz, CA. He Opens up about programming, his back story, and the astronomical growth of CrossFit. He addresses some of his challenges and how he NOW deals with the haters on his Instagram.